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s^*n c a re picks for
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b y K e l l y L e e , L E
Skin C are Contributor —
Age Spot Remover:
Actifade® Age-D efying Com plex for Face & Body
E r a s e a g e s p o t s , s u n s p o t s & f r e c k l e s w i t h o u t l a s e r s .
ActiFade's® dual-action design delivers revitalizing hydration to lackluster skin, while targeting and
dim inishing the most stubborn age spots, sun spots, and liver spots visible on the face, neck, chest,
hands, arms, and legs. The treatment has the added benefit of an advanced
smart concealer - when applied, instantly visibly erases age spots and signs
of sun-damaged blemishes on the surface.
The glowing results reveal a
healthier, more youthful, even skin tone.
Find Actifade® in the skin care aisle at:
’ h a r m
a c y '
a fy A
e e H
**N E W at W algreens**
look fo r A ctifade® :face!
‘These results not typical. Individual results will vary.
Dry, Flaky Skin & Scalp Formula:
S k in Z in c® D u a l M e d ica tio n C o m p le x
R e s t o r e y o u r s k i n t o a c l e a r e r , h e a l t h i e r s t a t e f a s t e r .
SkinZinc® dual-medicated complex for skin & scalp integrates steroid-free, advanced, scaling itch
relief with a powerful medication to battle other tough seasonal skin disorders and
dry flare-ups. SkinZinc® goes deep to eliminate even the most stubborn symp-
toms associated with many forms of psoriasis, dermatitis, red itchy eczema irrita-
tion, and even intense scalp dandruff.
Find the SkinZinc® Dual Medication Complex at:
" W
c d g /t e u M .
‘These results not typical. Individual results will vary.
ffiito p Neck Firming Formula:
A ctifa d e ® :n e ck lift N e c k F irm in g A ctiv a to r
H e l p r e d u c e n e c k s a g g i n g & a d r o o p i n g j a w
l i n e .
With a complementary source of calcium and essential amino acids, Actifade® :neck
lift is especially designed to reboost cell metabolism and protein synthesis, rebalance
ion flow and recreate calcium gradient in order to regulate the barrier homeostasis
and the epidermal differentiation. This means a firmer, smoother neckline and jaw
line, fortifying and restructuring the skin to eliminate sag and deep lines from view.
Find Actifade® :neck lift in the skin care aisle at:
’ W
o & J A e e K i .
K o fo re .
‘These results not typical. Individual results will vary.
F o r a l i m i t e d t i m e , g o t o w w w . K e l l y s T o p P j c k s . c o m
f o r m o n e y - s a v i n g o f f e r s !
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